Hey Look! A New Website!


Welcome to my first ever blog! Plunging into the YouTube world was part of my learning curve, as you have to have something to offer or something to show the world. Given that the site mantra is Explore/Observe/Learn & Share, I have applied this in other areas of my life. When I studied the Bible and related commentaries, I shared what I learned through a website that I created called SwordNotes. When I plunged into photography, I began to share and eventually sell sports action pictures on my Ken Little Photography website on Zenfolio.

When I made the leap into YouTube, I just jumped into the content production mode, expanding on my photography background and experience learning how to shoot and edit videos. But then YouTube limits each page description to only 5,000 characters. While that sounds like a lot, it is not enough when you are trying to organize content and try to link videos and also provide a product page, in each YouTube page description. I knew I needed to set up a new webpage to better organize and share content from a lot of different areas, but then I didn’t want to go back to the same web development software, as it seemed to have its limitations. Time to learn something new.

Enter Squarespace! Squarespace is new to me, but appears to be intuitive. From the reviews that I read, Wix seemed to have a bit more flexibility, but Squarespace seems to also have a lot of power under the hood, but tried to help you more on the design front with some custom templates. This has helped me tremendously, by letting me focus on getting my thoughts more organized and on paper (a web page that is).

Anyway, this is the first blog post I have ever created. I can’t say that I will be blogging more than one or more times a week, as I already produce a lot of my information in video format. However, this website complements or is a companion to my other information sources. But I can tell that it will soon be the operation center as it is the pathway (with links) to my other data and actually presents a more organized and effective way to take in more digestible bites of information. This website is also an optimal way for me to receive and respond to comments from those interested in any part of the information found here.

In conclusion, this website and related blog will continue to be a work in progress, so please let me know of any areas that don’t work or have bugs as constructive criticism is a good way for me to learn how to improve. Thanks again for checking us out and leave a comment! God bless you and yours!

Ken Little

As a lifetime student, each day brings new opportunities to engage in learning and sharing what I learn. My website and companion YouTube channel (http://www.youtube.com/c/kenlittle) use the mantra “Explore, Observe, Learn & Share.” Come join in and say hello and contribute comments to the Blogs! Thanks for stopping by and God bless you and yours!


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